4th Mini-Symposium on Bioimage Informatics

We are happy to announce the 4th Mini-symposium on Bioimage Informatics, which will take place the 27th of June 2017 in Rennes. This event is organized by the GDR ImaBio and France Bioimaging.
The idea of this annual workshop on Bioimage Informatics is to bring together experts from the fields of image analysis and biology, to promote exchanges between the scientists in these fields and to contribute to the creation and maintenance of a French community in the field of Bioimage informatics, which is continuing in gaining importance in the field of Bioimaging. This year, the workshop is organized as a one-day satellite of the “Imaging the cell” conference, held in Rennes the 28th-30th of June 2017 (http://www.atoutcom.com/imagingthecell2017/).
Details & registration: http://gdr-miv.fr/en/events/bioimageinformatics2017/