
FBI Annual Meeting 2024

FBI Annual Meeting 2024

AnnouncementFBI Special Events

On November 20th and 21th 2024, we have the pleasure to invite you to our Annual Meeting, to be hosted by our brand new FBI Alsace Node at the Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (BNU) de Strasbourg (6 Pl. de la République, 67000 Strasbourg).

Registration is now open! Fill out the form below to register.

We will be happy to celebrate yet another year of achievements and developments in bioimaging with all the members of the community.

With a focus on “Live functional imaging: From chemical synthesis of the probes to instrumentation”, this edition aims to bring together chemists, microscope builders and biologists developping tools to probe life.

The scientific sessions will explore the development of new probes (organic, inorganic, nanoparticles, fluorescent proteins, hybrid materials), how to leverage their optical properties (spectra, quantum yield, lifetime, photostability, switching between dye states, etc…) and new instrumentations taking advantage of these new probes for life science.

France-BioImaging Mission Officers,  Technology WGs, facilities or R&D teams are invited to present news, innovations or any achievements to the community with a poster. We strongly encourage you to submit an abstract for a poster presentation during your registration!

Registration is free but mandatory. Please note that the BNU capacity is limited and registrations will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

We look forward to meeting you there!


Registation Form

France-BioImaging Annual Meeting 2024 Registration

Personal information

Member of France-BioImaging
I will attend on
Dietary restrictions
Which Alsace Node sites do you want to visit? To make your choice, here is a short preliminary list and description of the sites: more info.
The 20/11 morning will be dedicated to visits of some of the Alsace node sites. Following your choice, we will contact you later to organize the visit. Please take the travel time into account to go to the Illkirch/Quest Facility site, located at ~30min by tramway from downtown.
POSTER SESSION – FBI Mission Officers,  Technology WG, facilities or R&D teams are invited to present news, innovations or any achievements. 

Poster Information


Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Please submit abstract here (.pdf). Find the abstract template here. Find all the abstract submission guidelines here.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that:
– Once registered, I am to effectively be present the day of the meeting, and will let the organizers know of any emergency preventing me to do so;
– For FBI members, please get in touch with your node to organize your visit. As for external speakers, you will be directly contacted by the Alsace node.
– I consent to be photographed during the meeting, and for the pictures to be used in future France-BioImaging communications.

