1st advanced FBI-CLEM workshop
From Live cell imaging to Electron microscopy
Institut Curie, Paris, France

January & February 2016, Institut Curie
• Topics: CryoCapsule, Live cell CLEM, High Pressure Freezing, Serial sectioning, Section CLEM, Registration
• Speaker and teachers: Xavier Heiligenstein, Ilse Hurbain, Claire Boulogne, Lucie Sengmanivong, Graca Raposo
• Registration: CLOSED
• Topics: CryoCapsule, Live cell CLEM, High Pressure Freezing, Serial sectioning, Section CLEM, Registration
• Speaker and teachers: Xavier Heiligenstein, Ilse Hurbain, Claire Boulogne, Lucie Sengmanivong, Graca Raposo
• Registration: CLOSED
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) takes an increasing place in scientific investigation. In our workshop, we propose hands-on training using our innovative protocol, centered around the CryoCapsule® and our newly developed software eC-CLEM®. Practical sessions will include cell culture on the CryoCapsule® and live cell imanging, High Pressure Freezing (HPM100 and HPM Light μ), Freeze Substitution to preserve fluorescence, serial sectioning, fluorescence on section, electron microscopy and image registration.
- It is firstly intended to scientists with advanced expertise in light microscopy and/or electron microscopy.
- 2 sessions of 4 people each will be organized to ensure that each participant gets the chance to practice.
- Evening discussions include presentation by each participant to have a change to discuss their own CLEM projects.
- A practical manual will be provided, covering all the steps of the method.