
H2020 projects Meeting Report

H2020 projects Meeting Report

RIA Global BioImaging (GBI) &
ESFRI EuroBioImaging Preparatory Phase II (EuBI PPII)

A series of workshops and meetings on H2020 BioImaging projects, in which France BioImaging is involved, held at EMBL, Heidelberg, from 8 to 10 June. The first Exchange of Experience Workshop (EoE1) of GBI gathered colleagues from Australia, USA, India, Japan, Argentina and Europe. A large number of topics were discussed, including professional training for imaging core facility staff, e-tools for training/teaching.
General Organization at various levels were presented and compared (AIC at Janelia Campus, USA; the Australian program for national infrastructure, ELIXIR, BioImaging France, Czech Republic, Argentina, Indian- BioImaging Bangalore …). Breaking sessions were also held in order to organize the 1st GBI Course in November (at EMBL) on image data management and training services in imaging research infrastructures, two topics in which France BioImaging is heavily involved.

GBI was followed on Friday afternoon for the first meeting of representatives of node candidates for EuBI. The meeting brought together representatives of more than half of EuBI node candidates. Among the many elements showing that EuBI entered a phase of operation ad interim, the Access Web Portal is now operational in its first version (presentation by J. Eriksson), image data management model was proposed (Jason Swedlow), preliminary results of the survey on training activities within EuBI, launched by the FBI, were presented by D. Choquet. Budget templates for user access appear to be particularly heterogeneous and harmonization of access prices, beyond the scope of the project. However, all agreed that an improved model for cost calculation, approved by all of us, would be of great value. The next step is the meeting of platforms personnel, the day before the Mifobio school at Seignosse (30 September), during which a proposal for teaching / training program at EuBI, will be proposed and discussed.