News from the MicroPICell facility
During this year 2020, the MicroPICell facility from the Bretagne Loire Node acquired several imaging systems, some of which offer access to new technologies on the Nantes health research site:
- a complete Zeiss Lighsheet 7 light sheet microscope associated to an X-Clarity clearing system and an Arivis Vision 4D Offline station,
- a motorized Nanolive holotomographic microscope,
- a high-end Nikon confocal microscope (resonant, spectral, FLIM, large field of view),
- an Akoya CODEX system of multiplex fluorescent tissue labeling.

Moreover, the MicroPICell facility, in collaboration with the training organization of the CNRS, is organizing in March 2021 a training on histology: from sample preparation to markers validation by image analysis. This training (lectures, workshops) will take place over 4 days between 03/22/2021 and 04/24/2021.