Dear colleague,
Dear FBI community,

Following the decision of the Executive Board of June 30, 2016, the National Coordination is proud to announce that the winners of the FBI Image Contest 2016 are:

1. Sébastien Mailfert – Centre d’immunologie de Marseille Luminy – Aix Marseille Université with “Dalton”

Dalton © Hugues Lelouard, Mailfert Sébastien & Mathieu Fallet CIML CNRS-INSERM-AMU
Dalton © Hugues Lelouard, Mailfert Sébastien & Mathieu Fallet CIML CNRS-INSERM-AMU
Confocal microscopy
Revealing sub-population of immune cells on small intestine by 10 colors spectral imaging

AND with “Le Saint Pierre Méditerranéen”

© Noushin Mossadegh & Mailfert Sébastien - CIML, CNRS-INSERM-AMU
Le St Pierre Mediterraneen © Noushin Mossadegh & Mailfert Sébastien – CIML, CNRS-INSERM-AMU
A l’aise comme un poisson dans l’eau, les spermatozoïdes se reposent dans leur habitat, qui ressemble à un œil, avant leur grande migration. Coupe d’un testicule de nouveau-né de souris. Marquage en immunofluorescence des noyaux cellulaires (DAPI) représentés ici en cyan. L’actine représentée ici en jaune, révèle le «squelette de la cellule» (phalloïdine marquée avec le fluorochrome Alexa-647). L’image représente 256×256µm sur 4096×4096 pixels. La coupe est d’une épaisseur de 20µm. Image de microscopie confocale sur Leica SP5 ; laser 405nm et laser blanc à 633nm ; objectif 40X, O.N. 1.25, immersion à huile.


2. Michael Lang – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine with “Fly Monster”

Fly monster © Orestis Falklaris & Michael Lang – Institute Jacques Monod, CNRS UMR7592 - ImagoSeine
Fly monster © Orestis Faklaris & Michael Lang – Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS UMR7592 – ImagoSeine
Multifocal confocal microscopy (spinning disk, Spinning CSU W1)
Drosophila third instar larval head, nuclear-RFP, neronal-GFP and green autofluorescence, 25x magnification, scale bar is 100 μm.

Thank you to the participants for their great contribution:

  • Sébastien Mailfert – Centre d’immunologie de Marseille Luminy – Aix Marseille Université
  • Ariane Peyret – Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques – Bordeaux Imaging Center
  • Melina Petrel – Bordeaux Imaging Center – Université Bordeaux Segalen
  • Patrice Mascalchi – Interdisciplinary Institut of Neuroscience – University of Bordeaux – Bordeaux Imaging Center
  • Michael Lang – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Olga Nagy – Institut Jacques Monod, Drosophila Evolution Group – ImagoSeine
  • Théophile Déjardin – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Liu Zeng Zhen – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Melina Heuze – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Orestis Faklaris – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • David Pereira – Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes – ImagoSeine

Thank you also to the core facilities staff and heads for having forwarded the contest to their users and for providing them state of the art Bioimaging.

The next edition of our Image Contest will open early 2017. Get ready!

The National Coordination

Dear colleague,

We would like to invite you to the Young Life Scientists’ Symposium 2016 “Advanced Imaging with Light Microscopy: Capturing Tissues to Single Molecules”, which will take place on Friday 28th October 2016 at Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, W12 0NN.

The YLS Symposium is a free event open to everyone who is using microscopy techniques for their research and wants to gain a deeper understanding in this field. Focusing on application of emerging advanced imaging techniques, image analysis and current research into imaging complex cellular processes, the YLS Symposium 2016 will cover a wide range of techniques and their applications, together with sample preparation and post-acquisition analysis workshops.

Keynote speakers feature Prof. Francesco Pavone,Laurent Cognet and Lothar Schermelleh, who will present their cutting edge research and major achievements during plenary lectures, followed by a Q&A session. The programme also includes oral presentations selected from abstracts, a poster session, an image competition (prizes would be given) and a discussion panel. The Symposium will be the perfect occasion for networking over provided coffee-breaks, lunch and a drinks reception.

For more information, registration and abstract submission please visit the YLS Symposium 2016 Eventbrite page:
Please note that number of places is limited!

Please do not hesitate to forward this email to whoever might be interested in participating in this event.

Kind regards,

The YLS Symposium 2016 organizers,

Katie, Mark, Silvia and Stephanie

Dear colleagues from the BioImaging community,

NEUBIAS, the “Network of European BioImage Analysts”, a recently created network funded by the COST framework, is very glad to communicate the start of its activities which will evolve over the next 4 years and that might trigger interest in your research environment.

Mission : strengthening the bridge between life science, computer science and digital image processing by:

    1) Establishing the role and identity of bioimage analysts in the life science community
    2) Sharing bioimage analysis knowledge and techniques
    3) Improving image analysis technology, foster innovations and collaborations

NEUBIAS aims to promote the mutual communication between Life Scientists, Instrumentalists, Developers and BioImage Analysts and to establish and promote the role of Bioimage Analysts in Life Science. Gathering, as of June 2016, more than 100 members in 33 European countries, the network will implement:

  • A training programme with 3 levels (Early Career, Facility, Analysts), 15 Training Schools for about 400 trainees.
  • An events series (yearly NEUBIAS conference, workshops, Taggathons)
  • Online Resources: Repository of tools and workflows, Benchmarking and Sample datasets, Training material and Open Textbook.
  • A Short Term Scientific Mission mobility programme for Scientists to visit Host Labs and get in depth insights into cutting edge Image Analysis technology.
  • Outreach material and other stuff.

More Information on our preliminary web:

Training School
The 1st of a series of 15 courses in 2016-2020

The first Activity is a Training School in BioImage Analysis for Facility Staff, to enable Imaging Core Specialists to become more proficient at custom Image Analysis and Workflows construction (theory and applications, hands-on, scientific programming, ImageJ- and Matlab- based primarily).

The Training School will be held in Barcelona on 13-16th of September 2016, hosted and co-organized by the University Pompeu Fabra (Dr. Chong Zhang), and by the Training Workgroup within NEUBIAS (Dr. Gaby Martins and Dr. Fabrice Cordelières + co-workers)

  • Registration is open as of today (selection based).
  • Within the COST framework, a few travel grants are available to applicants.
  • Registration deadline: 15th of July, 2016.
  • Selection and Travel Grants notification: 19th of July, 2016.

More information on our preliminary web:

On behalf of all NEUBIAS members,

Julien Colombelli, Chair
Kota Miura, Vice-Chair

Sébastian Munck & Arne Seitz, Strategy & Events WG1 Leaders
Gaby Martins & Fabrice Cordelières, Training WG2 Leaders
Jean Salamero & Paula Sampaio, Outreach and Inreach WG3 Leaders
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux & Chong Zhang, Webtool WG4 Leaders
Sébastien Tosi & Graeme Ball, Benchmarking & Sample Datasets WG5 Leaders
Juergen Reymann and Natasa Sladoje, Open Publications WG6 Leaders
Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez and Clara Prats, Short Term Scientific Missions and Career Path WG7 Leaders

The R&D division of FBI-Montpellier is focused on the development of super-resolution and fluctuation microscopy methods. On the super-resolution front, we have recently developed a new instrument for the rapid acquisition of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) images of thick intracellular structures (>5µ) at nanometer resolutions without scanning.
In conventional SMLM, the gain in resolution arises from the precise localization of single emitters labeling the structure of interest, thus enabling the reconstruction of images in 2D with a resolution of ~10-20 nm. Most of the biological structures are, however, three-dimensional. To increase the axial depth while conserving spatial resolution, we combined two ingredients. First, we used multi-focus microscopy (MFM) (Abrahamsson, 2013), a technology that allows for the simultaneous acquisition of several image planes on the same camera chip. We combined MFM with point-spread function (PSF) engineering, a method that relies on the use of asymmetric PSFs to enable axial localization. For this development, we designed and built binary multifocus gratings with ~ 400 nm spacing, ideal for SMLM intracellular imaging of eukaryotic cells using organic dyes or photo-activatable proteins. Our method requires only the detection and localization of emitters in a single imaging plane, thus allowing for an increase in the distance between MFM planes to reach thicker axial imaging depths. Importantly, our method also allows for a considerable increase in image reconstruction speed without sacrificing localization precision, as it requires the fitting of the emitter PSF in a single plane to yield a 3D localization. This development led to a Patent application filing (European Patent EP15305787.2 filed on May 26, 2015) and a publication (Oudjedi, 2016) (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Figure 1: (A) Multi-focus microscopy (MFM) allows for the instantaneous acquisition of whole nuclei in a single camera frame. (B) Reconstruction of the nuclear envelope of a S2 Drosophila cell with >4µm depth of field at nanometer resolutions can be achieved with our microscope, 10-100 times faster than conventional 3D-SMLM.

On the fluctuation microscopy front, we have developed a method to measure protein concentration, diffusion coefficient and brightness for low photon flux fluorophores and eliminating cross-talk between channels. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) techniques allow for the determination of the concentration (N), the diffusion coefficient (D), and the brightness (B) of fluorescent molecules of interest, and thus report on their oligomerization properties and interactions with cellular components (Figure 2). However, FCS measurements are traditionally disturbed by a low photon flux (especially under two-photon excitation), strong photobleaching, and cross-talk between spectrally distinct detection channels. Recently, thanks to a CNRS “Instrumentation aux limites” funding, we have developed a homemade microscope that will overcome all these limitations (Hendrix, 2014), by combining : (1) A pulsed supercontinuum source allowing great versatility of choice of colors of excitation, and therefore of fluorophores used, and an increase in the photon flux, thus improving the signal / noise ratio; (2) An alternating laser excitation scheme (Olofsson, 2013) coupled to a dual-channel TCSPC detection card, to eliminate cross-talk effects; and (3) A laser scanning galvanometric system to reduce photobleaching, and obtained spatially resolved Number, Brightness, and Cross-interaction maps in living cells.

Figure 2

Abrahamsson, S., Chen, J., Hajj, B., Stallinga, S., Katsov, A. Y., Wisniewski, J., … Gustafsson, M. G. L. (2013). Fast multicolor 3D imaging using aberration-corrected multifocus microscopy. Nature Methods, 10(1), 60–63.
Hendrix J., Lamb D.C. Implementation and Application of Pulsed Interleaved Excitation for Dual-Color FCS and RICS (2014). In Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. 1076, 371-417
Olofsson L., Margeat E. Pulsed interleaved excitation fluorescence spectroscopy with a supercontinuum source (2013). Optics Express, 21(3), 3370-8
Oudjedi, L., Fiche, J.-B., Abrahamsson, S., Mazenq, L., Lecestre, A., Calmon, P.-F., … Nöllmann, M. (2016). Astigmatic multifocus microscopy enables deep 3D super-resolved imaging. Biomedical Optics Express, 7(6), 2163.

August 28 – September 2, 2016
Lyon, France

France BioImaging will participate actively at the EMC 2016, in Lyon with two special sessions and a booth :

1) Big Data session sunday 28/09
Regulator: Nick Schryvers et Roger Wepf

  • 15:30-15:35 Welcome & Introduction (EMS)
  • 15:35-15:50 Welcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression – S. Besson (University of Dundee, UK)
  • 15:50-16:05 First steps towards big data in Electron Microscopy: open data – Andy Stewart (Dept of Physics and Energy)
  • 16:05-16:20 Large Data: Fast to Find, Quick to View – Dr Shwarb (Imagic / Arivis)
  • 16:20-16:35 Sharing microscopy images and processing applications – Jean Salamero (FBI, CNRS, Institut Curie, France)
  • 16:35-16:50 Centralized computing and storage in a large decentralized microscopy environment – Dr Ziegler (Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis, University of Zurich)
  • 16:50-17:20 title (CERN, CH)
  • 17:20-17h50 Panel discussion

2) ‘Microscopy Networks’, lunch workshop mercredi 31/08

  • 12:30-12:35 Introduction – Thierry Epicier
  • 12:35-12:50 Electron microscopy in INSTRUCT: the key role for a center on image processing – José L. Carrascosa
  • 12:50-1:05 pm ESTEEM2: An European Integrated Infrastructure of Electron Microscopy facilities – Etienne Snoeck
  • 1:05-1:15 Atomic Resolution Cluster – a national electron microscopy infrastructure for Sweden – Crispin Hetherington
  • 1:15-1:25 Presentation of the French Microscopy Infrastructure “METSA” – Mathieu Kociak
  • 1:25-1:35 The Spanish TEM network – Cesar Magen
  • 1:35-1-45 The French infrastructure in BioImaging (FBI) as a Node of the EuroBioImaging Infrastructure – Jean Salamero
  • 1:45-1:50 The French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) – Bruno Klaholz
  • 1:50-2:00 The mission for inter-disciplinarity at CNRS: microscopy networks – Catherine Clerc
  • 2:00- Wrap-up – Etienne Snoeck, José Maria Carazo, José L. Carrascosa

3) Networks & Infrastructures Booth
FBI, FRISBI, les réseaux de la MI CNRS (RTMFM, RCCM, REMISOL), le réseau des microscopistes de l’INRA (RµI), METSA.

See you on our booth !

“User Access” and “Technological and Methodology Transfer” projects

After only 6 months of opening, FBI calls for projects are quite successfull and very promising. If the call “Support to events” has already funded more than 40 events since 2012, the two new calls launched in January are also quite successfull; both are available on our Web Access Portal ( The first call is meant to enable “User Access” to highly advanced and rare technologies available in FBI infrastructure. Geo_origin The second one is devoted to “Technological and Methodology Transfer” projects and aims to disseminate emerging approaches and know-how. As a start, on average, France BioImaging has selected and funded two projects of 10 weeks duration per month.

Among the eleven selected projects, 60% were submitted by foreigner colleagues and 40% by French scientists, external to FBI perimeter. Among international projects, two came from North America, two from South America and two from European countries. France BioImaging is proud to attract users from diverse backgrounds and different countries.

The Paris-Center FBI node drains a large number of projects (50%). PICT of the Institut Curie reaches 3 projects submitted by scientists from three different countries. Distribution The Institute Jacques Monod hosted one project and the Photonics lab (Paris-Descarte University) will soon host the last project approved by the Executive Board. Bordeaux Node with the Interdisciplinary Institute of NeuroSciences hosted two projects and the Bordeaux Imaging Center, Jorge Toledo, University of Chile. Until now, other FBI-Nodes were serving external Users at the national level.

Dissemination of our service offering at the European level, beyond the FBI-Web, through the EuroBioImaging WAP should soon allow a wider promotion of imaging technologies and expertise available on France BioImaging Core Facilities and associated R&D labs.

In conclusion after the first six months of opening calls, we are more than ever motivated to continue on this path of opening state of the art imaging technologies to a broad scientific community in France and worldwide. There is still much to do, but the progress already made and the FBI impact beyond our expectation, encourage us to pursue our work for the future of Biological Imaging.

RIA Global BioImaging (GBI) &
ESFRI EuroBioImaging Preparatory Phase II (EuBI PPII)

A series of workshops and meetings on H2020 BioImaging projects, in which France BioImaging is involved, held at EMBL, Heidelberg, from 8 to 10 June. The first Exchange of Experience Workshop (EoE1) of GBI gathered colleagues from Australia, USA, India, Japan, Argentina and Europe. A large number of topics were discussed, including professional training for imaging core facility staff, e-tools for training/teaching.
General Organization at various levels were presented and compared (AIC at Janelia Campus, USA; the Australian program for national infrastructure, ELIXIR, BioImaging France, Czech Republic, Argentina, Indian- BioImaging Bangalore …). Breaking sessions were also held in order to organize the 1st GBI Course in November (at EMBL) on image data management and training services in imaging research infrastructures, two topics in which France BioImaging is heavily involved.

GBI was followed on Friday afternoon for the first meeting of representatives of node candidates for EuBI. The meeting brought together representatives of more than half of EuBI node candidates. Among the many elements showing that EuBI entered a phase of operation ad interim, the Access Web Portal is now operational in its first version (presentation by J. Eriksson), image data management model was proposed (Jason Swedlow), preliminary results of the survey on training activities within EuBI, launched by the FBI, were presented by D. Choquet. Budget templates for user access appear to be particularly heterogeneous and harmonization of access prices, beyond the scope of the project. However, all agreed that an improved model for cost calculation, approved by all of us, would be of great value. The next step is the meeting of platforms personnel, the day before the Mifobio school at Seignosse (30 September), during which a proposal for teaching / training program at EuBI, will be proposed and discussed.

The Executive Board of France-BioImaging has decided to support the following projects:

AAP Access
  • Chromogranin A – Phosphatidic Acid Interaction And Regulation Of Hormone Secretion by Maïté Montero of the University of Rouen for 1 week in Marseille (CIML).
  • Dynamic Properties of Synapse-Organizing Proteins by Thomas Biederer of the Tufts University School of Medecine, Boston, MS for 8-10 weeks in Bordeaux (IINS).
  • Amphipathic helices as novel trafficking motifs in transmembrane proteins by Rasmus Herlo of Copenhagen University for 1 month in Bordeaux (IINS).
  • Single-molecule analysis of homologous recombination during bacterial transformation by Maud Hertzog of LMGM/CNRS Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse) for 3 short visits in a 3 years project in Montpellier (CIML).


AAP Grant for Event
  • SSIAB 2016 (Spatial Statistics and Image Analysis in Biology Workshop) – May 25, 2016 in Rennes, by Charles Kervrann – funded by BI – IPDM
  • 15èmes journées de formation du RCCM : “Analyse d’images et nouvelles techniques d’imageries spécifiques” – 1-3 juin in St Etienne – by Isabelle Anselme Bertrand (Univ. St Etienne) – funded by IdF Sud
  • “First French Optogenetic Club” – 23 juin 2016 in Grenoble – by Olivier Destaing (Univ. JF de Grenoble)
  • MiFoBio 2016 – 30 september to 7 october 2016 in Seignosse – by GDR-MIV
  • Congrès GTBIO – SFB 2016 “Structural Biology meets Biophysics” – 13-16 Décembre 2016 in Obernai – by Eric Ennifar (CNRS/Univ. de Strasbourg)

Dear (es) colleagues,

Registration deadline May 28, 2016
September 30 to October 7, 2016
Club Belambra Seignosse, Landes
See the Poster

As you know, our school MIFOBIO on biological and technological advances in live imaging will take place in Seignosse from 30 September to 7 October 2016 ( This school is organized by the CNRS GDR “microscopy and imaging of living” and RTmfm network with the support of INSERM, France BioImaging, ITMO AVIESAN and EMBRC infrastructure. This year, in addition to the developmental biology models already used in previous years, this year the EMBRC infrastructure (European Biological Resource Centre Marines) will provide some biological models marine (sea urchins, sea squirts, jellyfish, sponges, etc …) to different stages of development.

This school is not reserved for experts in microscopy, but also aims to help “beyond the borders” by bringing the skills and thus provide access to the tremendous potential of imaging and microscopy for biology. To this end, we propose this year a new “challenge bio”.

“challenge bio”

Biologists, particularly those who do not usually use microscopy or wishing to test new imaging modalities can propose a biological problem for which they need imaging. It is not necessary to have a priori on imaging methods’ (acquisition, analysis and modeling) to implement. These are the people involved in imaging (acquisition and analysis) that can recognize the problems posed an interest or potential for their technical and propose experiments that will be conducted during MiFoBio.

The objective is to take advantage of the combination in one place of exceptional technological platform and cutting-edge expertise in the various disciplines, to clear new issues and pave the way for collaboration beyond school.

We invite you to register at the school through the website ( and if you wish to propose a “bio challenge” in imaging (localization, quantification , dynamic, interaction, multi-scale, …). Due to the large number of requests for participation at this school, selection of participants will be made on the basis of this information (300 seats).



Laurent Héliot, Serge Monneret, Tristian Piolot,

for the organizing committee MiFoBio

The Executive Board of France-BioImaging has decided to support the following projects:

AAP Access
  • Subcellular, cellular and tumor multi-scale analysis of interplay between matrix remodeling, invadopodia formation and MT1-MMP activity during breast cancer progression: by Catalina Lodillinsky of the Institute of Oncology Angel Roffo (Argentina) for 3 months in Paris-Centre (PICT).
  • Spatiotemporal cartography and dynamics of endoplasmic reticulum (ER), luminal protein transport in COS-7 cells by single molecule tracking (SMT): by Jorge Toledo of the University of Chile for 6 weeks in Bordeaux.


AAP Technological & Methodological Transfer
  • Multimodal and quantitative fluorescence Microscopies: by Laurent Limozin of Marseille for 6-12 months in Paris-Centre (PICT).

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to let you know about a meeting that SELECTBIO will be hosting on 14-15 June 2016, in Cambridge, UK.

At Bioimaging: from Cells to Molecules, attendees utilising bioimaging techniques in their research or workflows will benefit from the expert knowledge of research leaders who are helping to define new parameters for experimentation.

Our agenda topics include:
3D + Time Imaging
Correlative Imaging
Image Analysis
Probes & Biosensors
Single Molecule Imaging
Super-resolution Microscopy
Speakers include, as Keynotes:
Ralf Jungmann, Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Francesco Pavone, Principal Investigator, LENS, University of Florence
I think this event will be of interest to you, and to the members of France-Bioimaging, and viewers of your webpages. I see that you have an events page within your website, and would like to ask if you will include a listing for this event within your webpages? If you have a news email, or other email that goes out to your members, perhaps you would also include a notification of the meeting in an upcoming issue. I will be very pleased to include your/the journal linked logo within the Media Partners page of the event website, as well as the partners rotation on the event homepage. I can provide space on the take-one table for you to provide some display materials, should you wish.
Please do take a look at what our meeting is offering, and let me know your thoughts.
I look forward to receiving a reply.

Many thanks and best regards

From September 2015 to January 2016, the National Coordination had been leading a pilot survey aiming at listing the actual resources, equipment (including IT dedicated one), tools and expertise in the fields of image data management and bioimage informatics existing in the different FBI sites. It also aimed at identifying bottlenecks in order to recover needs and foresee potential projects. Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux from the IPDM FBI node had been assigned to collect this information by visiting on-site FBI platforms and R&D laboratories, and interviewing staff in charge, mainly engineers and researchers. The overall view and the main proposals for action resulting from this survey are presented below.


When it comes to IT infrastructure for image data, most FBI nodes are disconnected and even sites of the same node do not share IT infrastructures, have different data repositories when they exist, and have access to different network levels.
However, Core Facilities are facing a deluge of data resulting from the novel imaging technologies (see below) , notably acquired in the Frame of the FBI program, and Associated Research & Development teams would consider sharing their data, through dedicated tools ( Image Data Repository) to facilitate development of image processing tools or validation/cross comparisons of data, or exchange in the frame of new collaborations.

As mentioned by multiple sites/nodes, a big jump in data production and inherent difficulties, are expected with innovative approaches (SPIM, Serial Block Face …) but, up to now, no clear and even less commonly approved solutions are proposed for accurate storage and analysis. Image-Data storage requires a dedicated infrastructure and software in use are inadequate for processing and visualization of large data sets (3D). OMERO seems to be the most current centralized system of storage/ Data Base, but others coexist. In any case, there are no bridges between them within FBI. Yet, centralized storage is underused in most of the places.

A data management plan may be needed in order to break practical drag and improve the service in a national process of a qualitative approach involving to:

  • Get a data structure in terms of common semantic
  • Develop interoperable software & tools adapted to big data human assimilation
  • Organize meetings between IT proximity engineers or technician to exchange on current hardware infrastructure for data storage and transfer.
  • Define a common policy of FBI nodes regarding data responsibility
  • Set up a centralized repository to publish FBI working groups data and users gold standard data to facilitate the exchange between users of multiple nodes and present new data modalities to image processing teams

It will be also important to communicate and teach how to use data management systems so as to erase behavioral barriers and involve the research community towards a better understanding of the challenge ahead:

  • Big data valorization (diffusion with correct curation, exploitation, convenient visualization)
  • Training for facility people for data curation and annotation
  • Metrology/facility monitoring from image data base
  • Coding parties/Tagging on tools to facilitate access to software, development and diffusion of user friendly tools, interfacing software tools with data base. Use of Grid computing
  • On-demand focalized training on thematic image processing notions or to more general software platform (Icy or others)