2nd FBI CLEM Course

Correlative Microscopy (CLEM) takes an increasing value in scientific research.
The second France BioImaging course on correlative microscopies is jointly organized by Institut Jacques Monod, Institut Pasteur and Institut Curie.
The first day (free access, registration required) will be composed of a conference series from national and international speakers about the latest CLEM technologies as well as by participants who will follow the practical session in the following 4 days.
Practical training will be organized in 2 sessions of 2 days for 3 groups between the 3 organizing institutes (12 positions available).
The 2 sessions will be chosen among the 3 available:
– EMPACT2 CLEM / Tokuyasu (Institut Jacques Monod)
– Live Cell to HPF, Quick Freeze Substitution/fluorescence on sections and eC-CLEM alignment (Institut Curie)
– Live Cell to FIB-SEM / Cryo-CLEM (Institut Pasteur)
Registration on the FBI website, dead-line 31 March 2017
First day: free entrance
Practical sessions: 250.00 euros in total, selection on application form.