GDR-MIV Theme Days : Light Sheet Microscopy
Institut interdisciplinaire de Neuroscience, Bordeaux
5-6 April, 2016
Registration (by e-mail):
Deadline abstract submission:
March 18th
Preliminary program
Abstract submission
Dear colleagues,
In the frame of the thematic actions of the GDR MIV ( and in association with France Bioimaging (, we are happy to announce the first French workshop on “Light sheet Fluorescence Microscopy” which will be held from the 5th to the 6th of April at the Institut Interdisciplinaire de Neurosciences in Bordeaux. The aim of this workshop will be to synergize the efforts, to share experience and to drive this technology and its applications forward. It will play an important role in the growth of the field by providing not only a forum for developers but also by its specific aim of bringing together the users. This workshop will be an opportunity to learn more about this emerging technology and its applications in our/your research. This workshop of contributed talks will cover the state of the art as well as the recent advances in Light sheet Microscopy.
Registration to this event is free but mandatory. It includes coffee breaks and lunch. We ask all participants to register simply by email to – indicating in the subject LSFM, and specifying your name and affiliation. Upon registration, everyone can submit an abstract of their research project for a possible oral presentation or eposters.
For submission of your abstracts (talks or eposters), please use the template in attached file. We will update shortly the program (See preliminary program).
Dead line abstract submission: 18 mars
We look forward to seeing you in Bordeaux!
The organizers
Corinne Lorenzo, Philippe Girard and Jean Baptiste Sibarita.