Transmission Electron Microscopy: Exploring the architecture of a virus in all its forms – Workshop
Save the date! The Electron Microscopy facility of Imagerie-Gif (I2BC, France-BioImaging), the Cryo-Electron Microscopy facility (I2BC, FRISBI) and the Cimex facility of Ecole Polytechnique are organizing a 5-day workshop from October 3rd to October 7th, 2022 on Transmission Electron Microscopy to explore the architecture of a virus in all its forms.

The aim of this workshop is to propagate knowledge about transmission electron microscopy applications and to outline the advantages of transversal studies combining structural biology and cell biology. Indeed, structural biology and cell biology approaches both use TEM but are rarely merged in the same studies.
The workshop will focus on the advantages of combining both approaches, which can be easily performed with the same equipment. The workshop will focus on a biological object whose study requires such multiscale approaches: a virus. The virus will be studied in vitro to resolve its high-resolution 3D structure, and will be observed in infected cells to determine the infection and replication mechanisms in situ.
The workshop targets students and young researchers. The training will focus on a given biological object, a virus, which will be studied by two complementary approaches:
- Single particle analysis by cryo-electron microscopy, allowing high-resolution 3D reconstruction of particles purified in vitro. This part will be performed on a 200kV TEM on the Cimex facility.
- Cellular tomography of infected cells with observation of the virus replication sites in situ and analysis of its interaction with cellular membranes. This workshop will cover the workflow from sample preparation and resin sections realisation, to acquisition and analysis of tomograms with a 120kV TEM.
Attendees will have a theoretical and practical overview of these two complementary techniques. The practical training will be particularly emphasised, to ensure that attendees will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the workshop for their further research projects.
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