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Institut Pasteur – BioImage Analysis Team

Institut Pasteur – BioImage Analysis Team

Director: Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin

Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

The scientific project of the BioImage Analysis (BIA) unit is to develop image analysis and computer vision tools for the processing and quantification of multi-channel temporal 3D sequences in biological microscopy. The topics are centered about the development of new algorithms for multi-particle tracking, deformable models, mathematical imaging and spatial distribution analysis. The group has produced powerful tools for spot detection and counting in real-time imaging of virus and genes, movement and shape analysis in 3D+t microscopy and cell growth analysis. These methods and algorithms have now been regrouped under the open-source and free platform Icy (http://icy.bioimageanalysis.org), which provides a comprehensive framework for extended reproducible research in bioimage informatics. They have been instrumental for the successful achievement of a large number of collaborative biological projects.

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Director: Charles Kervrann & Jean Salamero

Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, Avenue Général Leclerc, Rennes, France

The Serpico team provides computational methods and mathematical models to automatically extract, organize and model information present in temporal series of images as they are obtained in multidimensional light and cryo-electron microscopy. In the field of membrane traffic, Serpico addresses the following themes in close collaboration with Curie Institute: image superresolution and image denoising to preserve cell integrity (photo-toxicity vs exposure time), information extraction from images and videos in multidimensional microscopy for molecular interaction analysis, spatiotemporal modeling of molecular species and multi-scale architectures, computational simulation and modeling of membrane transport at different scales. In collaboration with UMR 144 and PICT at Institut Curie, the members of Serpico participate in several joint projects (PhD and post-doc supervision, industrial contracts…). They have proposed user-friendly algorithms for processing 3D or 4D data. Other projects are related to instrumentation in microscopy including computational aspects (SERPICO@Mobyle web service) and data management (CID iManage) on the reconstruction and enhancement of images related to subdiffraction light microscopy and multimodal approaches.

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Director: Olivier Renaud (PICT-LM) & Daniel Levy (PICT-EM)

Institut Curie, Rue d'Ulm, Paris, France

The Cell and Tissue Imaging Platform (PICT-IBiSA) of the Institut Curie brings together advanced microscopy technologies. Its main objective is to provide researchers in cell biology, development, structural, chemistry and biophysics with imaging approaches at different spatial and dynamic scales ranging from the molecule, to the cell, to the organism in healthy or pathological contexts.

The platform is organized around 3 poles: photonic microscopy, high-content screening, electron microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy. Photonic microscopy extends from dynamic imaging to high resolution. High throughput microscopy allows cellular screening of chemical and siRNA banks. Electron microscopy and cryo-microscopy provide the molecular structure and cellular ultrastructure of biological samples. The platform also offers expertise in data processing and analysis.

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Image Analysis Hub – Institut Pasteur

Image Analysis Hub – Institut Pasteur

Director: Jean-Yves Tinevez

Institut Pasteur, Paris, France


The Image Analysis Hub is an open access, equal access core facility committed to offering support in image analysis. Our webpage is: https://research.pasteur.fr/en/team/image-analysis-hub/

What we do.

As part of the C2RT, we strive to ensure the continuity between image acquisition and image analysis. To this end we rely on our expertise in imaging and collaborate with other facilities such as the UTechS-PBI and UTechS-UBI when pertinent. All requests involving images are considered.


Our services follow four axes:

1. Offer walk-in support and trainings for questions involving image analysis.

This activity aims at offering to users quick answers to scientific questions involving well-established pipelines, for which a commercial or published tool exists and can be used conveniently. Users can address their question to the facility during open-desk sessions or directly via one-to-one requests. Depending on the effort involved, the solution is derived and proposed onsite, or individual  trainings are scheduled. For general topics, the Hub organises regular courses and workshops, possibly involving external teachers or providers.

For instance, see below for the announcement of our open-desk, organised regularly every two week.


2. Build and deploy custom analysis tools for projects requiring special developments.

Research endeavours to address original questions, for which analysis tools might be lacking or incomplete. The Image Analysis Hub aims at creating or implementing novel tools based on existing algorithms to address these questions, using skills in image analysis and software development. More than just developing the analysis tool, this activity often involves deriving a suitable analysis methodology, for which the facility expertise in microscopy and biophysics is key. Engineers work in close collaboration with users within the framework of a scientific project over medium or long durations. For projects whose effort would extend beyond typical facility usage or involve original research work, the project may be directed to the BioImage Analysis unit after a discussion with all parts.


3. Maintain an infrastructure for autonomous image analysis. Deal with complex tool deployments.

Data volume and modern analysis techniques may call for a computing power not always present in Pasteur labs. Providing open-access workstations unlock barriers to compute-intensive tools. They also act as the central sharing points for commercial softwares, making them available to the whole campus. Finally, some specialized tools require special deployment efforts, e.g. to make such a tool able to exploit the HPC infrastructure of the Institut Pasteur.


4. Develop original and innovative software tools for image analysis, whose scope exceed user projects.

Software development and image analysis skills of the facility can be leveraged to build ambitious software tools shipping innovative technologies. These tools exceed the scope of single projects and address the unarticulated needs of the Pasteur community and their creation is part of the development activity of the facility.

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Director: Nadine Peyréras

Université Paris-Sud, Rue Georges Clemenceau, Orsay, France

The team investigates morphogenetic processes in morphogenesis in Metazoans. We focus on the integration of cellular, molecular and genetic processes based on long-term 3D+time imaging of developing organisms in normal and perturbed conditions, data reconstruction and quantitative analysis. Methodological developments include: assisted microscopy based
on machine learning strategies to optimize live imaging conditions by multiphoton point laser scanning microscopy and light sheet microscopy, automated image processing and quantitative data analysis, interactive visualisation for cell lineage data validation, correction and analysis.

Expertise of the Team:

  • Machine learning for assisted microscopy and image processing
  • Optimization for in vivo and in toto 3D+time imaging by multiphoton point laser scanning microscopy and light sheet microscopy of developing organisms (metazoans an plants)
  • Data management, image processing workflow, interactive visualisation
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IMAG’IC (Institut Cochin photonic imaging facility)

IMAG’IC (Institut Cochin photonic imaging facility)

Director: Pierre Bourdoncle

Institut Cochin, Rue Mechain, Paris, France

The Institut Cochin photonic imaging facility (IMAG’IC), which has the Gis IBiSA, France-BioImaging and ISO 9001 labels, is under the scientific direction of Florence Niedergang and under the responsibility of the engineer Pierre Bourdoucle.
In the center of Paris, the platform has 15 acquisition systems and 3 stations for analysis and image processing, spread over 130 m². Any person working in a public laboratory (EPST, University) or private company can benefit from help or training to become autonomous to work on all microscopes managed by the platform.
In parallel, image restoration by 3D deconvolution, image quantification, database,  3D printing, vibratome sectioning of thick tissues and tissue clarification are also now proposed to our users.

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Bioimage Informatics IPDM

Bioimage Informatics IPDM

Director: Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux

Institut Curie - Pavillon Trouillet-Rossignol, Rue d'Ulm, 5e Arrondissement, France

Institut Curie is active in image databases and management. The PICT imaging facility is engaged since 2011 with the Strand Life Sci. company in the development of the CID (Curie Image Database)/iManage (supported by Paris-Centre Node). The CID is linked to the “Curie Image Data center” (2x 100Tb Storage equipment and cluster for image processing and analysis). Since December 2013 CID is open to all FBI users of the PICT, under demand and common rules of imaging platforms (web client). iManage is the commercial version (with licensing), offering support to labs, to install and adapt CID on their own microscopy, at their own sites. Plugins to access the CID from Icy (Institut Pasteur) are developed and published on the central repository of Icy. An interface to interoperate with the servers at Institut Curie is under development. Integration of software developed in collaboration with Inria-Serpico (http://mobyleserpico.rennes.inria.fr/) such as ND-SAFIR, Hullkground are now integrated in the CID for automated treatment. Institut Curie, specifically with Serpico’s Team@Inria-Rennes, also develops new algorithm solutions for dynamic events detection and classification, sub-diffraction light microscopy and CLEM approaches.

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MicroPICell (Tissue and cell imaging)

MicroPICell (Tissue and cell imaging)

Director: Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Vincent Guen

8 Quai Moncousu, 44000 Nantes, France

MicroPICell is an imaging facility specialized in sample preparation (histology), cellular and tissular imaging (photonic microscopy) and data processing and analysis (bioimage analysis). The facility is located within the precinct of the Hotel Dieu hospital, Nantes University. The platform is affiliated to the Structure Federative de Recherche UMS INSERM 016/CNRS 3556/Nantes University and teamed up with Nikon Instrument society and the APEX veterinary facility to create the Center of Excellence Nikon Nantes in 2016. The MicroPICell facility offers a complete integrated cellular imaging service to all users after analysis of the feasibility of their projects. The applications range is then very large, for example cancer research and immunology, regenerative medicine or stem cells research. It is organized in 3 main services: histology, photonic microscopy, image data management and analysis, all these services working closely together on users projects.

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