On September 22nd, 2016, a joint meeting took place between the FBI coordination, IPDM node and other partners, to discuss the implementation of data management services within FBI. Please find below the main points discussed during the meeting.

  1. Objective – Setting the required elements for public access to different types of Image Data within FBI.
  2. Purpose and expectations – to have, in one year’s time, a successful proof of concept for FBI. This topic is of particular importance for FBI, as it will soon be required of any project funded with public money to provide data management plans. In the very short term, infrastructures will likely be expected to guarantee the safe conservation and fast access to any data supporting a publication (see for example the Netherlands protocol).
  3. Audience – two different audiences were considered as targets of the project: users within the FBI perimeter, and the general public (fully public access); the former being more feasible in a year’s time than the latter.
  4. Proposals

    • WP1a Support
      • Support the work of WP1a in their benchmarking action (Contact: Orestis Faklaris);
      • Being workflow-oriented, so that the methods defined to support WP1a can be applied to other WPs.
    • Metrology-oriented database
      • Instrument-based metrology database: asking each site to share metrology benchmarking of microscopes from 2016, including software used when any;
      • At midterm: go to real biological object to associate metrology data as quality metrics;
      • Before the end of the project: include metrology oriented annotations to WP1a support;
      • Long term: include metrology-oriented annotations to open image data repositories.
    •  Open Image Data Repository:
      • Hosting 2016 publications acknowledging FBI, uploading raw data at least supporting published figures.
  5. Resources: Remaining funds from Pasteur IPDM could be mobilized to carry out the project (the funds would go towards financing the equipment and staff). Coordination funds will be allocated to the employment of an engineer for a period of approximately 9 months.

Meeting Participants:
Volker Baecker (Montpellier), Anatole Chessel (Paris Sud), Stéphane Dallongeville (IPDM Paris Centre), Anne Danckaert (Paris Centre), Elaine Del Nery (Paris Centre), Nimisha Gupta (OpenImadis Bengalore), Cédric Matthews (Marseille), Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux (IPDM), Jean Salamero (Coordination), Corinne Tessier (Coordination).

The Global BioImaging project entails an international job shadowing program that aims to give the opportunity to the project’s stakeholders to visit imaging facilities across the globe and learn from their peers.

The program will allow both the hosting facilities and their guests to exchange experiences and ideas, while working on innovative imaging technologies and the related technical aspects. It also has the added value to support networking and prepare possible future collaborations between imaging infrastructures.

The call for the first GBI international shadowing program is now open!

Deadline for submission of the applications is 31/10/2016.

August 20, 2017 August 24, 2017
Le Palais des Congres de Paris, 2 place de la Porte Maillot, Paris, 75017, France

Download the programme
See the poster
Website and Registration

Experience exciting and up to date research in cellular and molecular neuroscience in an inspiring and engaging environment with ample time for networking and discussion with international scientists.

Top Ophthalmologists from around the globe will be present to share their knowledge and discuss major advances in our field. The theme this year is “Imaging and Managing Macular Diseases”.

The Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP) Freiburg invites you to their first

Image Analysis Course using ZEN Blue

for life scientists at the Center for Biological Systems Analysis (ZBSA) at Freiburg University.

The course will give a basic introduction into image analysis on ZEN Blue (Carl Zeiss Microscopy) and is organized within the framework of the newly founded MIAP Freiburg which forms a joint network for scientific infrastructure and training activities of imaging based life science sites.


We are pleased to announce the next meeting of the Cellular Imaging Network of Paris-Saclay (RIC Paris-Saclay), devoted to Multidisciplinary Microscopy on 18th October at the Faculté de Médecine Paris-Sud. This event, open to scientists from various fields, will present the technical expertise and the latest advances  in the field of microscopy at the University of Paris-Saclay. The meeting will emphasize on recent findings in sophisticated approaches of microscopy and their innovative use for biological and medical applications.

Registration is free but mandatory at : journee.ric2016@u-psud.fr
When: Tuesday, 18th October, 2016
Where : Amphitheater A of the Faculté de Médecine Paris-Sud
Attendees: Physicians, Scientists, Technicians, Students and Post-docs
How to get to Kremlin-Bicêtrehttps://goo.gl/maps/Rs1qbr6Jjok
How to get to Med School  : https://transfert.u-psud.fr/ictkz

For more information: www.medecine.u-psud.fr

Organizing Committee: Larbi Amazit, Régis Bobe, Laurent Combettes, Cécile Denis, Evelyne Ferrary, Isabelle Garcin, Anne Guiochon-Mantel, Philippe Leclerc, Marc Lombès, Fabienne Mérola, Valérie Nicolas.

NEUBIAS, the network of European BioImage Analysts funded by the EU framework COST, has opened a new activity that will run continuously for 4 years, and is centered on mobility grants, also called Short-Term Scientific Missions.

The first call deadline is the 10th of September, but several other call will be regularly published.

BioImage Analysts and Life Scientists, from Research Labs AND Core facilities, can apply for funds to cover their expenses when visiting a Host-Lab in a different country (Lab or industry) where they will perform a short scientific project strictly focused on BioImage Analysis, and that should enable:
1) collaborations on innovative image analysis methods,
2) access to big data analysis technology and/or image analysis tools for scientists lacking them locally,
3) knowledge transfer to support careers and regional development.

Please check all the information here: http://eubias.org/NEUBIAS/?page_id=707 and contact these people for any question: Julia Fernandez Rodriguez – NEUBIAS STSM Coordinator – juliafer@cci.sahlgrenska.gu.se Clara Prats – NEUBIAS WG7 Co-Leader – cprats@sund.ku.dk Julien Colombelli – NEUBIAS Action Chair – julien.colombelli@irbbarcelona.org

NEUBIAS: Network of BioImage Analysts Logo




Let’s have a little bit of French “Art de Vivre” in the French Corner at ASCB Annual Meeting in one of the more french of all american cities, San Fransisco from 3rd to 7th of december, 2016. France Bioimaging will hold a place with Institut Curie Training Unit, SBCF (Société Française de Biologie Cellulaire) and Aviesan ITMO/BCDE. “Rendez-vous” at booth #209 in the Association Row, left of the main entrance.

Best Regards
France BioImaging National Coordination

Already before year 2016, FBI was involved in many teaching and training activities. With the care about “not reinventing the wheel”, FBI first brought its support to running activities in this domain at the national level. For this reason, it was decided to bring recurrent help to the MiFoBio school of the CNRS, organized by the GDR MIV since 2004. Moreover and similarly, FBI is co-organizing the FBI-Advanced Training sessions, also with the GDR MIV. These two 5-9 days events are highly valuable and are recognized as such by a large community, far beyond core facility staffs. They are largely focused on theory and hands-one training and on applying this knowledge to specific biological questions. In 2016, FBI was a pushing force to give an international visibility to both actions. Both concepts merit a stronger international impact as other workshops or training series do, like EMBL-EMBO or Woods Hall workshops and courses. Taking advantage on diverse opportunities at the European and International level together with other main international actors in this topic (H2020, EuBI, NEUBIAS, FENS CAJAL), FBI now drafted a strategy at an upper level, with the aim at defining a complete “train the trainers” portfolio.

Let us mention some almost achieved deliverables: organizing surveys on Training Activity and Training Sites for Core Facility Staff and User within the European landscape followed by the proposition of new and necessary “trainings” (H2020 WP7 EuBI PPII) which will be presented during the 1st EuBI Core Facility Staff meeting (30th of October beforehand the MiFobio 2016), including organizing virtual (e-training), soft and management skills courses, hands-on training.

In this respect, France BioImaging co-organizes and will also teach at the 1st International Training Courses for Imaging Core Facility Staff of the Global BioImaging project (deadline 18th September), next November 2016 in Heidelberg (GBI International Training Courses for Imaging Core Facility Staff) which will adress two specific issues:
-“Challenges in image data management and analysis”
-“Management and operation of imaging core facilities”

Our experience in international course activities, expertise, equipment of our Local-Nodes with state of the art imaging techniques, allow us to propose the largest and most advanced portfolio of “à la carte” trainings in BioImaging over Europe. As a future step, France-BioImaging is supporting the opening of a call for “EuBI Training Nodes” in which FBI will propose itself as a “Training Node”. FBI is in a very strong position to propose an integrated Training offer in bioimaging. The Marseille and Bordeaux Nodes are currently building Training Centers. In Paris Centre, an Imaging Training common program is part of the recent official partnership between Institut Pasteur and Institut Curie (February 2016). Joint ventures between Marseille and Montpellier nodes and inclusiveness between Paris Centre and IdF Sud nodes teaching programs are foreseen.

The Executive Board of France-BioImaging has decided to support the following projects:

AAP Access
  • Nanoscopy of inter-organelle dynamics and microdomain metabolic and calcium signaling in astrocytes using triple-color large-field super-resolution imaging by Ulrike Winckler, Carl-Ludwig-Institute for Physiology, Germany; in Paris Centre. .
  • Surface mobility of alpha-Neurexin during synaptic activity by Martin Heine, Leibniz Institut for Neurobiology, Germany ; in Bordeaux (école FENS)
  • Crosstalk between MAPs and EBs microtubular proteins during early neuronal differentiation by Laura Sayas, Center for Biomedical Research of the Canary Islands (CIBICAN), Institute forBiomedical Technologies (ITB), University of La Laguna (ULL), Spain ; in Bordeaux (école FENS).
  • Axonal actin cytoskeleton: structure and stability by Fernando Mar, I3S Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal ; in Bordeaux (école FENS)
  • Microtubule organization in neuronal development by Martin Harterink, Utrecht University (NL) ; in Bordeaux (école FENS)
  • Nanoscale mapping and tracking of postsynaptic protein organization by Harold MacGillavry, Utrecht University (NL) ; in Bordeaux (école FENS)
  • Two-photon calcium imaging of axons and their boutons by Dennis Kruijssen, Utrecht University (NL) ; in Bordeaux (école FENS)
AAP Grant for Event
  • Third edition of super –resolution techniques in practice – focus on 3D imaging – July 5, 2016 in Montpellier, by Jean-Bernard Fiche – funded by BI – IPDM
  • PSL* Chemical Biology Symposium – 8-9 décembre 2016 in Paris – by Ludovic Jullien
Nota Bene

Location: EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Registration: here
Registration deadline: 18th of September 2016

Dear All,

It is our pleasure to announce the first International Training Courses for Imaging Core Facility Staff organized by the Global BioImaging project consortium!

The two advanced courses address core facility staff working at Euro-BioImaging Node Candidates and at the international GBI partner institutions. The courses will take place back-to-back at the EMBL in Heidelberg (Germany) and will cover the topics of:

“Challenges in image data
management and analysis”
November 13-15th, 2016

The goal of the course on “Challenges in image data management and analysis” is to present the capabilities and technologies currently available to imaging facility staff in the field of image data management and analysis. The aim is to raise awareness on the current challenges in the field and to provide the course participants with a new set of tools (and references) that can be used tackle such challenges and improve their own facility’s working life.

“Management and operation
of imaging core facilities”
November 16-18th, 2016

The course in “Management and operation of imaging core facilities” aims at providing an educational program for facility staff in the field of facility management and administration. It will entail a session on soft skills training, the presentation of case studies of imaging facilities in the fields of biological and biomedical imaging as well as visits to company-owned imaging centres.

If you or your colleagues are interested in participating, please apply here: http://embl-web.ungerboeck.com/reg/reg_p1_form.aspx?oc=10&ct=NORMAL&eventid=5477 no later than Sunday, the 18th of September 2016.

The Global BioImaging project can provide a limited number of travel grants to successful applicants from Europe (up to € 750) and overseas (up to € 2.200).
However for administrative reasons we need to charge a registration fee of € 150 per course to all participants. A reduced fee of € 250 will be applied to those of you interested in attending both courses.

Since the number of places available for the courses is limited and in order to assign the travel grants, the applications will be evaluated and the successful applicants will receive an invitation to the course(s) within the end of September.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question, and please spread the news also to your colleagues!

With best wishes and kindest regards,

On behalf of Rainer Pepperkok and Jason Swedlow


Dear colleague,
Dear FBI community,

Following the decision of the Executive Board of June 30, 2016, the National Coordination is proud to announce that the winners of the FBI Image Contest 2016 are:

1. Sébastien Mailfert – Centre d’immunologie de Marseille Luminy – Aix Marseille Université with “Dalton”

Dalton © Hugues Lelouard, Mailfert Sébastien & Mathieu Fallet CIML CNRS-INSERM-AMU
Dalton © Hugues Lelouard, Mailfert Sébastien & Mathieu Fallet CIML CNRS-INSERM-AMU
Confocal microscopy
Revealing sub-population of immune cells on small intestine by 10 colors spectral imaging

AND with “Le Saint Pierre Méditerranéen”

© Noushin Mossadegh & Mailfert Sébastien - CIML, CNRS-INSERM-AMU
Le St Pierre Mediterraneen © Noushin Mossadegh & Mailfert Sébastien – CIML, CNRS-INSERM-AMU
A l’aise comme un poisson dans l’eau, les spermatozoïdes se reposent dans leur habitat, qui ressemble à un œil, avant leur grande migration. Coupe d’un testicule de nouveau-né de souris. Marquage en immunofluorescence des noyaux cellulaires (DAPI) représentés ici en cyan. L’actine représentée ici en jaune, révèle le «squelette de la cellule» (phalloïdine marquée avec le fluorochrome Alexa-647). L’image représente 256×256µm sur 4096×4096 pixels. La coupe est d’une épaisseur de 20µm. Image de microscopie confocale sur Leica SP5 ; laser 405nm et laser blanc à 633nm ; objectif 40X, O.N. 1.25, immersion à huile.


2. Michael Lang – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine with “Fly Monster”

Fly monster © Orestis Falklaris & Michael Lang – Institute Jacques Monod, CNRS UMR7592 - ImagoSeine
Fly monster © Orestis Faklaris & Michael Lang – Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS UMR7592 – ImagoSeine
Multifocal confocal microscopy (spinning disk, Spinning CSU W1)
Drosophila third instar larval head, nuclear-RFP, neronal-GFP and green autofluorescence, 25x magnification, scale bar is 100 μm.

Thank you to the participants for their great contribution:

  • Sébastien Mailfert – Centre d’immunologie de Marseille Luminy – Aix Marseille Université
  • Ariane Peyret – Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques – Bordeaux Imaging Center
  • Melina Petrel – Bordeaux Imaging Center – Université Bordeaux Segalen
  • Patrice Mascalchi – Interdisciplinary Institut of Neuroscience – University of Bordeaux – Bordeaux Imaging Center
  • Michael Lang – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Olga Nagy – Institut Jacques Monod, Drosophila Evolution Group – ImagoSeine
  • Théophile Déjardin – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Liu Zeng Zhen – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Melina Heuze – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • Orestis Faklaris – Institut Jacques Monod – ImagoSeine
  • David Pereira – Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes – ImagoSeine

Thank you also to the core facilities staff and heads for having forwarded the contest to their users and for providing them state of the art Bioimaging.

The next edition of our Image Contest will open early 2017. Get ready!

The National Coordination