In the framework of FBI-AT 2022 on Multiscale Fluorescence Imaging, which will be held in Paris from November 21st to 25th, 2022 (program available here), we have decided to open more widely the plenary lectures given by the invited researchers as well as the introductory lectures to each of the workshops.

Remote access to these lectures will be free but registration is mandatory. You will receive the connection link upon registration.

Registration form

This form is currently closed for submissions.

The France-BioImaging Image Contest is back for its 4th edition!

This image contest is open to all within the imaging community: core facility staff and users, R&D labs teams and co-workers, students… Submit your best microscopy images for a chance to showcase your skills, research and creativity to the French bioimaging community and beyond, allowing people to see the visual appeal of the life sciences. Images from the contest will be featured on France-BioImaging communication tools, online and in print.

France-BioImaging and all the French community aims to develop and promote innovative imaging technologies and methods. But microscopy images can also take an artistic, creative look and make the invisible world beautiful.

We are all eager to see your work !


1 to 3 images will be awarded depending on the quantity and quality of the entries submitted. France-BioImaging will cover the registration fees for one 2023 microscopy related event of the winners’ choice (FOM, ELMI, EMC, COMULIS conference, etc.).

Important: Only French or foreign participants affiliated to a French institution can enter the contest. Foreign participants non-affiliated to a French institution can submit images and will be featured in the gallery, but will not be evaluated as part of the contest.

Submission deadline: Friday, November 11th, 2022, 23h59 UTC+2. 

Click here to consult the terms and conditions of the contest. When you are ready, submit your entry by filling the form below. You can check out last editions’s entries for inspiration. One participant can submit several entries (up to 3).

(If you have any issues when submitting your image, please contact

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Our three winners have been announced! Please discover all the submitted images on this following link:

France-BioImaging, with its partner the GDR IMABIO, organizes the 4th edition of the FBI-AT: an advanced microscopy workshop to be held in Paris from November 21st to 25th, 2022.

The aim of this France-BioImaging-Advanced Training is to train microscopy users on the most advanced imaging techniques that will allow them to perform molecular studies at the cellular level as well as in thick samples. In particular, recent developments on fluorescent probes will be highlighted. The workshop will benefit from state-of-the-art equipment available on several of the Parisian Node Imaging facilities.

This year’s edition will have plenary lectures given by experts in the microscopy development field. These seminars will be advertised as a series and will be broadcasted for a large audience.  In addition, specific techniques will be introduced.

Hands-on practicals will train attendants on these techniques every afternoon in different sites in Paris including Institut Curie, Institut Pasteur, Institut Cochin, Institut Jacques Monod, Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris and ENS Paris. Access to this part of training will be restricted to selected and registered trainees.

To guaranty access to set-ups and proper training, each practical session will host only 3-4 persons. The sessions will be run in parallel.

Apply now, attendance will be limited to 25 participants! 

FBI-AT is ideal for researchers with a basic training in microscopy willing to become familiar with advanced techniques to answer their specific biological questions, or to be exposed to new developments that will allow them to tackle new questions in their project. We will consider applications from early career researchers (PhD students, post-docs), technical staff members and more senior scientists.


The workshop contains plenary lectures and specific training sessions. Plenary lectures will be on hybrid mode and largely open.

Invited Speakers

Emmanuel Beaurepaire

Giulia Bertolin

Joerg Bewersdorf

Peter Dedecker

Claire Deo

Marie Erard

Ricardo Henriques

Christophe Leterrier

Sandrine Lévêque-Fort

Gustavo Quintas

Gaelle Recher

Jean-Baptiste Sibarita

Lothar Schermelleh

Practicals on

  • Combining micro UV-irradiation and Single Particle Tracking in living cells
  • SMLM multi-color: from sample preparation to quantification
  • FRET-based molecular tension sensors and FLIM
  • Imaging of cellular ultrastructures with expansion microscopy
  • SIM, STED or STORM ? : from sample prep to 3D imaging
  • 3D STED : Comparing flat cells vs thick samples
  • Culturing and imaging multicolour 3D live brain organoïds
  • Combining fast live 3D imaging with Z resolution preservation
  • Light sources for optogenetics
  • Non-classical genetically modified fluorescent probes for biological imaging
  • Imaging biological structures in 3D using double helix-STORM and 3D-SIM


Florence Niedergang, Lydia Danglot, Chloe Guedj, Mickael Lelek, Pierre Bourdoncle, Audrey Salles, Xavier Baudin, Nicolas Borghi, René-Marc Mege, David Geny, Ludovic Jullien



France BioImaging and all the French community aims to develop and promote innovative imaging technologies and methods. But microscopy images can also take an artistic, creative look and make the invisible world beautiful, allowing people to see the visual appeal of the life sciences. 

We enjoyed the diversity of the images submitted with many different microscopy techniques, models and applications represented. A big thank you to all the participants!

The National Coordination Team and the Executive Board are proud to announce the winners of the FBI Image Contest 2021:

  • 1st Place: Léna Meneux, Eye Team, Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier

The eye of the storm

Sensory fibers of a mouse cornea imaged with a confocal microscope. The corneal nerves converge toward the centre forming a vortex. This particular transgenic mouse model allows stochastic expression of fluorescent proteins, unravelling the heterogeneity of the fiber origines inside the corneal epithelium.
Acknowledgements to Karine Loulier for the mouse model and Laetitia Hudececk for her help during the acquisition.

Confocal microscopy

  • 2nd Place: Eunice HoYee Chan, Muscle Dynamics Team, Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDM)
Myofibrils isolated from Drosophila indirect flight muscle labelled with titin (yellow) and actin (blue). Image captured from confocal microscope. We are studying the role of titin protein in muscle mechanics and organisation during development

“Sarcomeric bouquet”

Myofibrils isolated from Drosophila indirect flight muscle labelled with titin (yellow) and actin (blue). Image captured from confocal microscope. We are studying the role of titin protein in muscle mechanics and organisation during development.

Confocal LSM880
  • 3rd Place: Camille Boutin, Biology of multiciliated cells Team, Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDM) & Nicolas Brouilly, PICsL Imaging facility, Electron Microscopy department
Lamellar structure in a differentiating multiciliated cell observed by transmission electron microscopy with a Tecnai G2 200kV FEI.


Lamellar structure in a differentiating multiciliated cell observed by transmission electron microscopy with a Tecnai G2 200kV FEI.

Transmission Electron Microscopy, Tecnai G2 200kV FEI

Congratulations to the winners!

Explore all the images submitted here:

As stated in the Terms & Conditions of the contest, foreign participants non-affiliated to a French institution are featured in the gallery, but were not evaluated as part of the contest.

BioImage Informatics 2021 is an annual meeting in the processing, analysis, and extraction of information and knowledge from biological images. This conference will be held in virtual from November 29 to December 1, 2021, and is organised by Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin (Institut Pasteur), Charles Kervrann (Inria), Jean Salamero (Institut Curie) and Jean-Yves Tinevez (Institut Pasteur).

This year’s edition of the BioImage Informatics conference will happen fully online, and rely on a very nice website built specially for the conference. There will be a dedicated space for poster presentations where presenters will be able to interact with the audience, leave a video or materials when they are not here, etc…

There will be a space for job fair and general announcements as well.

BioImage Informatics 2021 meeting will include, but not be limited to, the following topics:

  • Advanced analytical solutions for bioimage processing and analysis
  • Statistical spatial analysis of cellular or molecular distributions
  • Applications of machine and deep learning to analysis of cellular structure and related functions
  • Quantification of dynamic images and transport phenomena Automation of data acquisition and analysis
  • Dynamic cell imaging and biological processes
  • Reconstruction and analysis of structure and function of biological networks
  • Registration, correlation and fusion of multimodality data

BioImage Informatics will feature a variety of types of presentations: invited talks (45’), selected talks from abstracts (20’) and posters.

Invited Speakers

  • Yonina Eldar, Weissmann Institute, Israel
  • Michael Liebling, EPFL/IDIAP, Switzerland
  • Emma Lundberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Jong Chul Ye, KAIST, Korea

Abstract submission and Registration for BioImage Informatics 2021 are now open!

  • All abstracts for selected talk and poster consideration must be submitted by October 15, 2021 and should not exceed 350 words (excluding authors and affiliations).
  • You may submit as many abstracts as you like.
  • At least one author of each paper or poster must register and attend the conference in order to be listed in the conference programme as a presenter. Authors will have the opportunity to edit an originally-submitted abstract before it is published in conference proceedings.
  • Only accepted abstracts and fully paid registration will be printed in the PDF programme book.

More details can be found at Home – BioImage Informatics 2021

The France BioImaging Image Contest is back for its 3rd edition!

This image contest is open to all within the imaging community: core facility staff and users, R&D labs teams and co-workers, students… Submit your best microscopy images for a chance to showcase your skills, research and creativity to the French bioimaging community and beyond, allowing people to see the visual appeal of the life sciences. Images from the contest will be featured on France BioImaging communication tools, online and in print.

France BioImaging and all the French community aims to develop and promote innovative imaging technologies and methods. But microscopy images can also take an artistic, creative look and make the invisible world beautiful.

We are all eager to see your work !


1 to 3 images will be awarded depending on the quantity and quality of the entries submitted. France BioImaging will cover the registration fees for one 2022 microscopy related event of the winners’ choice (FOM, ELMI, EMC, COMULIS conference, etc.).

Important: Only French or foreign participants affiliated to a French institution can enter the contest. Foreign participants non-affiliated to a French institution can submit images and will be featured in the gallery, but will not be evaluated as part of the contest.

Submission deadline: Friday, October 15th, 2021, 23h59 UTC+2. 

Click here to consult the terms and conditions of the contest. When you are ready, submit your entry by filling the form below. You can check out last editions’s entries for inspiration. One participant can submit several entries (up to 3).

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Important information for the registered participants: an email with the links to access the training videos was sent on February 15th, 2020. Please check your inbox and SPAM folder!

If you did not receive it, please send us an email to

If you registered after February 14th, 2021, you will receive an email with the links within two days.

France BioImaging (FBI) is organizing a remote training on Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM), which enable 3D imaging of biological samples with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolutions and low perturbing effects.

LSFM methods actually cover a large variety of implementations which allow imaging a wide range of sample types, from single cell to whole organs or organisms both live and fixed. These new imaging capabilities are revolutionizing the way we visualize our samples and address biological questions. However, imaging with a light-sheet microscope raises many questions about the choice of the set-up depending on the sample to image, the sample preparation and mounting protocols or the data management (storage, visualization, quantification). Thus, it can be difficult to find its way through the numerous microscope implementations, protocols and tools that have been extensively developed over the last 20 years. We therefore decided to review all those questions in a remote training.

Our goal is to help people who want to jump into the world of 3D imaging and are seeking the best solution for their samples and biological questions. In that perspective, we will provide a comprehensive picture including all the possibilities and challenges regarding LSFM.


The training will be divided in 3 parts:

  1. Theoretical courses on LSFM
  2. Practical demonstrations of several LSFM implementations available throughout the FBI infrastructure
  3. Live online question-and-answer session

For the two first parts, videos will be available on a Youtube FBI channel. The participants will have 3 weeks, from the 15th of February to the 5th of March 2021, to watch those videos and will be invited to ask questions or comment.

FBI experts will then answer all questions during a live interactive video chat on the third week of the training (5th of March where participants will have the opportunity to directly interact with the experts.


1.      Theoretical aspects of LSFM (15th to 26th of February 2021)

Here are the three main questions concerning the imaging with a light-sheet microscope: (1) what LSFM type should I use for my experiment, (2) How do I prepare and mount my sample, and (3) how to visualize and analyze my data sets. The first part of this training will address these three questions through three theoretical courses:

  • Course 1: Theoretical principles and numerous implementations overview of LSFM
    • P. Girard (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris-Centre)
  • Course 2: Sample preparation and mounting principles – highlight on clearing approaches
    • Carol Siret (CIML, Marseille)
  • Course 3: Reconstruction, Visualization and Analysis software overview.
    • Cesar Augusto Valades (Institut Curie, Paris-Centre),

2.      Practical demonstrations of several LSFM implementation and experiments (15th of February to 5th of March 2021)

In the second part of the training we will propose several videos on various systems available in the FBI laboratories and imaging platforms covering diverse types of LSFM design and applications.

Each video will feature a specific set-up and experts will present how to run an experiment on them focusing on three main aspects: (1) sample preparation and mounting methods, (2) image acquisition processes, and (3) visualization of the data-sets.

  • Lattice Light Sheet Microscope(Home-made  and 3i versions)
    • Mathieu Ducros (BIC, Bordeaux)
    • Ludovic Lecomte, Jean Salamero and Cesar Valaldes-Cruz (Institut Curie, Paris-Centre)
  • Single-objective Single Plane Illumination Microscope (soSPIM)Home-made
    • Rémi Galland (IINS, Bordeaux)
  • Dual inverted Single Plane Illumination Microscope (diSPIM)3i (Marianas)
    • Elric Esposito et Julien Fernandes (Institut Pasteur, Paris-Centre)
  • MuviSPIM – Luxendo
    • Sylvain De Rossi (MRI, Montpellier)
  • Ultramicroscope – LaVision Biotech
    • Carol Siret/Mathieu Fallet (CIML, Marseille)

3.      Questions & Answer interactive session (March 5th, 2021)

An online video session will conclude the training where FBI experts will answer all participants’ questions. You can ask questions either in advance in the comment box of the Youtube video, or during the Q&A session in a chat box. The Q&A session will be divided in sections, each related to a specific video.

To register:

In order to register to the Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy remote training, please fill out the registration form available here.

Registration is free but mandatory in order to receive the links to the training videos.

Extended deadline: February 19th, 2021

We look forward to your participation !

Registration for France BioImaging Annual Meeting is now open!

France BioImaging is pleased to invite you to participate to France BioImaging 6th Annual Meeting.  For this edition, the meeting will be organized as a two-half days virtual meeting (from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM) on February 4th & 5th, 2021.

This event, open to all members of the bioimaging community, aims to provide a platform to discuss pivotal subject matters in our field.

The 2021 program of the France BioImaging Annual meeting is built around two pillars:

  • February 4th: “Building and operating an integrated and open infrastructure for bioimaging
  • February 5th: “Latest and future developments in biological imaging

Registration is free but mandatory in order to receive the Zoom link:


ZOOM Etiquette

We look forward to your participation!

The France BioImaging Image Contest is back for its 3rd edition!

This image contest is open to all within the imaging community: core facility staff and users, R&D labs teams and co-workers, students… Submit your best microscopy images for a chance to showcase your skills, research and creativity to the French bioimaging community and beyond, allowing people to see the visual appeal of the life sciences. Images from the contest will be featured on France BioImaging communication tools, online and in print.

France BioImaging and all the French community aims to develop and promote innovative imaging technologies and methods. But microscopy images can also take an artistic, creative look and make the invisible world beautiful.

We are all eager to see your work !


1 to 3 images will be awarded depending on the quantity and quality of the entries submitted. France BioImaging will cover the registration fees for one 2022 microscopy related event of the winners’ choice (FOM, ELMI, EMC, COMULIS conference, etc.).

Important: Only French or foreign participants affiliated to a French institution can enter the contest. Foreign participants non-affiliated to a French institution can submit images and will be featured in the gallery, but will not be evaluated as part of the contest.

Submission deadline: Friday, October 15th, 2021, 23h59 UTC+2. 

Click here to consult the terms and conditions of the contest. When you are ready, submit your entry by filling the form below. You can check out last editions’s entries for inspiration. One participant can submit several entries (up to 3).

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Due to the current sanitary measures and uncertainty about future COVID-19 developments, the LSFM workshop to be held in Bordeaux in December has been cancelled. The organizers are currently working on a virtual format of the workshop. More details to come soon.

This workshop will be held in Bordeaux from December 1st to December 4th 2020 and aims to give an overview of the Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy techniques and their application possibilities, taking advantage of the available technologies and expertise within the France BioImaging research infrastructure and the broad light-sheet microscopy community. This workshop is organized by the members of the FBI Multiscale Light-sheet Imaging Working Group.

About the workshop

  • The workshop will last 3 ½ days
  • The workshop is built on the basis of an alternation between theoretical and practical sessions. Both will be in English and provided by national expert trainers.
  • On day 2 a mini-symposium will be organized to present the last developments in different LSFM domains (instrumentation, sample preparation and data analysis) done by international experts. This mini-symposium will be open to a larger audience in order to promote LSFM approaches to the local research community. Registration is free but mandatory (this does not apply to workshop participants). Register now
  • The workshop will encompass various theoretical aspects of LSFM from sample preparation, to image acquisition and first post-processing steps (3D reconstruction, visualization).
  • The workshop will span various scales that can be imaged with LSFM based on at least 4 different LSFM set-ups
  • It will be included in the future “FBI training passport” and corresponds to a level III module (“à la carte”). Therefore, “trainees” must demonstrate knowledge of Level I (basic imaging) and Level II (optical principles) imaging.


  • Describe the general principle of light-sheet microscopy
  • Present the three main instrumentations that have been developed depending of the sample scale to be imaged (1 to 100 µm; 100 µm to mm; mm to cm)
  • Give an overview of the sample preparation techniques
  • Present the challenges raised by the data management and analysis of LSFM data
  • Present the future of light-sheet microscopy


This workshop is ideal for researchers, engineers, technicians, PhD students, and post-docs from public institutes and private companies with a prior knowledge in fluorescence microscopy techniques, and willing to become familiar with advanced techniques to answer specific biological questions.

Number of participants is limited to 20.

Practical workshops:

The practical workshops main objectives are to:

  • Provide an overview by experts of the 3 main implementations of LSFM depending of the sample size to be imaged:
    • Ultramicroscope (LaVision Biotech) – BIC
    • Invi Lattice Pro (Luxendo)
    • Z1 (Zeiss) – to be confirmed
    • LLS – BIC;
    • soSPIM – IINS
  • Give an overview of existing solutions for 3D reconstruction, Multiview merging and 3D+t visualization.

Participation fee

Academia: 200€
Industry: 600€

Preliminary program:

The workshop will last 3 ½  days with theoretical courses the morning and practical workshops the afternoon on 4 different set-up spanning the different sample sizes that can be imaged with LSFM:

  • Zeiss – Z1 (to be confirmed)
  • Luxendo – Invi Lattice Pro
  • LaVision – Ultramicroscope II
  • Lattice Light-sheet microscope – BIC
  • soSPIM – IINS

3 theoretical sessions will encompass various domains of LSFM:

  • General principle
  • Sample preparation
  • Data management

A mini-symposium will be organized to highlight recent national and international developments in LSFM.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Willy Supatto – Laboratoire D’Optique et Biosciences, Palaiseau – France
  • Christopher Dunsby – Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London – UK
  • Laura Batti – Wyss Center, Genève – Switzerland
  • Nicolas Renier – Laboratory of Structural Plasticity, ICM, Paris – France
  • Martin Weigert – EPFL, Lausanne

On the last day two round tables will be proposed to discuss about two hot topics in light-sheet fluorescent microscopy:

  • Clearing protocols
  • Live imaging: challenges and solutions

Participants are invited to bring their own samples if possible to test during an optional practical workshop on the last day.

A diner in Bordeaux is planned on day 2.


The workshop will be held on the premises of the Bordeaux Imaging Center and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, in the Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine, in Bordeaux, France.


Hotel booking is left to the participant’s initiative.

Here is a list of other hotels located in the historic center of Bordeaux city (quartiers des “Grands hommes”, “Quinconces”, “Hôtel de ville” and “Mériadeck”). All are close to the tramway stops of line A (direction Le Haillan-Rostan / Pin Galant – Stops: Hôpital Pellegrin, Saint-Augustin, François Mitterand):

Hôtel de France **

Hôtel Gambetta **

Hôtel la Porte Dijeaux **

Hôtel des 4 Sœurs **

Hôtel de l’Opéra **

Hôtel Le Chantry **

Citadines Centre Mériadeck Bordeaux ***

Hôtel Ibis style Bordeaux Mériadeck ***

La Maison du Lierre ***

Hôtel Ibis Mériadeck ***

Best Western Bordeaux-Bayonne Etche Ona ***

Adagio Bordeaux Gambetta ****

Mama Shelter

Local Organisers

Dr. Mathieu Ducros, Bordeaux Imaging Center

Dr. Rémi Galland, Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience

Questions about the LSFM workshop can be addressed directly to the local organisation team :


[:en]France BioImaging is organising an “BioImage Analysis OpenDesk” session on November the 29th from 9:00 to 12:30, in its different nodes and online.

What is an OpenDesk ?

During the event, users in search for answers to image processing-related questions come to a dedicated spot, within the Facility. Individual questions are processed by BioImage Analysts, on a “first come-first served basis”.

Will I really get my image processing questions answered ?

We will work on that ! Depending on the topic, local BioImage Analyst may choose from one of those three options:
1-The problem might be solved locally, quickly: you will leave the Facility with either a procedure/advices on how to analyse your data.
2-The problem might be solved locally, but requires additional time to be processed: your Facility staff will propose an appointment so that a proper solution is found.
3-The problem might not be solved locally: we will take benefit of the France BioImaging infrastructure, through its dedicated transversal node (FBI-IPDM). Your local Facility staff will introduce you to specialists in the field, using remote communication means.

I’m in ! Where and when is it taking place ?

November the 29th, from 9:00 to 12:30.
Bordeaux — Bordeaux Imaging Centre, Photonic Unit, 1st floor, Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Paris Centre
Marseille — IBDM ground Floor  Luminy
Paris Sud
Nantes — Room 2 , ground floor IRS UN 8 quai Moncousu

If you can not join physically, join on

By the way, what is FBI-IPDM ?

The objective of the BioImage Informatics – Image Processing & Data Management transversal node is to create a general framework and a complete and integrated image analysis and IT (Information Technology) solution to address a number of challenges in biological imaging and microscopy, as well as setting up a high performance grid-computing infrastructure dedicated to massive computational and data storage demands. The FBI-IPDM node proposes different IT frameworks to deal with the data flow from the different imaging nodes. FBI-IPDM node is thus transverse, by definition.[:fr]France BioImaging is organizing a “BioImage Analysis OpenDesk” session on November the 29th from 9:00 to 12:30, in its different nodes and online.

What is an OpenDesk ?

During the event, users in search for answers to image processing-related questions come to a dedicated spot, within the Facility. Individual questions are processed by BioImage Analysts, on a “first come-first served basis”.

Will I really get my image processing questions answered ?

We will work on that! Depending on the topic, local BioImage Analyst may choose from one of those three options:
1-The problem might be solved locally, quickly: you will leave the Facility with either a procedure/ advice on how to analyze your data.
2-The problem might be solved locally, but requires additional time to be processed: your Facility staff will propose an appointment so that a proper solution is found.
3-The problem might not be solved locally: we will take benefit of the France BioImaging infrastructure, through its dedicated transversal node (FBI-IPDM). Your local Facility staff will introduce you to specialists in the field, using remote communication means.

I’m in ! Where and when is it taking place ?

November the 29th, from 9:00 to 12:30.
Bordeaux — Bordeaux Imaging Centre, Photonic Unit, 1st floor, Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Paris Centre
Marseille — IBDM ground Floor Luminy
Paris Sud
Nantes — Room 2, ground floor IRS UN 8 Quai Moncousu

If you can not join physically, join on

By the way, what is FBI-IPDM ?

The objective of the BioImage Informatics – Image Processing & Data Management transversal node is to create a general framework and a complete and integrated image analysis and IT (Information Technology) solution to address a number of challenges in biological imaging and microscopy, as well as setting up a high performance grid-computing infrastructure dedicated to massive computational and data storage demands. The FBI-IPDM node proposes different IT frameworks to deal with the data flow from the different imaging nodes. FBI-IPDM node is thus transverse, by definition.[:]

Les 29 Mai au 31 Mai prochain, nous organisons à Bordeaux une formation en Super Résolution qui traitera de la microscopie STED et des techniques basées sur la détection des molécules uniques (STORM, PALM, U-PAINT..). Elle se déroule avec une alternance entre cours théoriques (de la base vers les nouvelles techniques en développement), analyse d’images et ateliers pratiques devant les machines commerciales ou développées maison. Cette formation pourra se faire en anglais.