France-BioImaging provides many technologies for biological imaging on different imaging core facilities. Access depends on the local rules and the majority of imaging systems can be booked online with hourly billing after on-site training by facility staffs.

Two categories of technologies are available within France BioImaging

  • Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Systems (including regular and automated wide field microscopy, Laser Scanning confocal microscopes, Spinning Disk confocal microscopes…), that you can consult by visiting websites of the France BioImaging Infrastructure (see below)
  • Sophisticated and Innovative Imaging Systems are also accessible. They cover the following technologies and methods: High-resolution & single molecule tracking, Electron Microscopy & Multimodal Imaging, Confocal with innovative modalities, Fluorescence spectroscopy in microscopy, In depth & Intra-vital Imaging.
Available on:


☉UTechS PBI – Pasteur

☉UTechS UBI – Pasteur

☉Imagoseine – Institut Jacques Monod

☉ImaChem – IBENS

☉Imachem – Collège de France


☉IMAG’IC (Institut Cochin photonic imaging facility)

☉Bordeaux Imaging Center

☉PICsL (Shared Imaging Platform of Luminy Campus)

☉IMM Microscopy Core Facility

☉InMAGIC (INMED Imaging Center)

☉Montpellier Resource Imaging


☉PIBBS – MARS & AFM Facilities @CBS

☉H2P2 (Histo pathology High precision)

☉MicroPICell (Tissue and cell imaging)

☉MRIC (Microscopy Rennes Imaging Center)


☉MORPHOSCOPE / Polytechnique bioimaging facility

☉Genethon’s Imaging Cytometry platform (ImCy)

☉Imaging and Cytometry Platform (PFIC) – Institut Gustave Roussy

☉Plateforme de Microscopie confocale @IS2M

☉PIC-STRA (Plateforme d’Imagerie du CRBS – STRAsbourg)

☉PI2 (Plateforme d’imagerie de l’I2CT)

☉Plateforme Imagerie In Vitro @INCI

☉Plateforme d’Imagerie Cellulaire de l’IBMP

☉QuESt (Quantum Efficiency Strasbourg)

☉Toulouse Reseau Imagerie (TRI)

☉PRIMACEN/Cell Imaging platform of Normandy

☉Lyon multiscale imaging center (LyMIC)

☉Imagerie des sciences du vivant (ISDV)

ENS Chemistry facility gathers instruments devoted to the characterization and purification of optical probes and actuators by means of various spectrometries (UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence emission) and chromatographies (capillary electrophoresis, HPLC analytical or preparative), installed on 100 m² at ENS Chimie. Access is provided to external users with technical and conceptual assistance from the 8 permanent members involved in FBI. The originality of ENS Chimie is the close collaboration between the characterization facility making available established approaches to the biological community and a research team involved in the development of state of the art chemical technologies for the optical control and reading out of living systems. The ultimate goal is to provide access and training to these emerging techniques and methods for the realization of competitive biological projects.

Available on:

☉ENS Chemistry

The analysts of France-Bioimaging organize an open-desk in Bioimage Analysis every month. Join them to talk about the challenges you face when analyzing your microscopic data and let them try to solve them.

The open-desk consists of short sessions with imaging experts where you can ask any question related to image processing you come across in your research projects. If you have any question about bioimage analysis, it is the right place to be!
During individual 1-hour sessions, a group of analysts will meet with you online and try to solve your problem on the spot. If not possible in 1 hour, they will help you to find potential methods to answer your question.

Interested? Book a session here

Upcoming Open Desks:

☉ FBIAS Open Desk – JULY 2025

☉ FBIAS Open Desk – MAY 2025