FBI-Advanced Training 2022 on Multiscale Fluorescence Imaging
France-BioImaging, with its partner the GDR IMABIO, organizes the 4th edition of the FBI-AT: an advanced microscopy workshop to be held in Paris from November 21st to 25th, 2022.

The aim of this France-BioImaging-Advanced Training is to train microscopy users on the most advanced imaging techniques that will allow them to perform molecular studies at the cellular level as well as in thick samples. In particular, recent developments on fluorescent probes will be highlighted. The workshop will benefit from state-of-the-art equipment available on several of the Parisian Node Imaging facilities.
This year’s edition will have plenary lectures given by experts in the microscopy development field. These seminars will be advertised as a series and will be broadcasted for a large audience. In addition, specific techniques will be introduced.
Hands-on practicals will train attendants on these techniques every afternoon in different sites in Paris including Institut Curie, Institut Pasteur, Institut Cochin, Institut Jacques Monod, Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris and ENS Paris. Access to this part of training will be restricted to selected and registered trainees.
To guaranty access to set-ups and proper training, each practical session will host only 3-4 persons. The sessions will be run in parallel.
Apply now, attendance will be limited to 25 participants!
FBI-AT is ideal for researchers with a basic training in microscopy willing to become familiar with advanced techniques to answer their specific biological questions, or to be exposed to new developments that will allow them to tackle new questions in their project. We will consider applications from early career researchers (PhD students, post-docs), technical staff members and more senior scientists.
The workshop contains plenary lectures and specific training sessions. Plenary lectures will be on hybrid mode and largely open.
Invited Speakers
Emmanuel Beaurepaire
Giulia Bertolin
Joerg Bewersdorf
Peter Dedecker
Claire Deo
Marie Erard
Ricardo Henriques
Christophe Leterrier
Sandrine Lévêque-Fort
Gustavo Quintas
Gaelle Recher
Jean-Baptiste Sibarita
Lothar Schermelleh
Practicals on
- Combining micro UV-irradiation and Single Particle Tracking in living cells
- SMLM multi-color: from sample preparation to quantification
- FRET-based molecular tension sensors and FLIM
- Imaging of cellular ultrastructures with expansion microscopy
- SIM, STED or STORM ? : from sample prep to 3D imaging
- 3D STED : Comparing flat cells vs thick samples
- Culturing and imaging multicolour 3D live brain organoïds
- Combining fast live 3D imaging with Z resolution preservation
- Light sources for optogenetics
- Non-classical genetically modified fluorescent probes for biological imaging
- Imaging biological structures in 3D using double helix-STORM and 3D-SIM
Florence Niedergang, Lydia Danglot, Chloe Guedj, Mickael Lelek, Pierre Bourdoncle, Audrey Salles, Xavier Baudin, Nicolas Borghi, René-Marc Mege, David Geny, Ludovic Jullien